Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meditation teaches us to focus

Focus is an important word and an important thing. Kanhaji teaches us to focus on the good and to let go of the bad. He teaches us that sometimes giving up pleasure will bring us even more pleasure in the long run. If you are skeptical, consider a person who finds pleasure in smoking cigarettes. When that person gives up such a pleasure they may go into withdrawal and find it hard to focus and to be normal. However, eventually they will come out of the addiction if they work hard at it and ask Kanhaji for His help to rid them of it. In ten or twenty years they will be rewarded since they will not be sick.
Focus sometimes requires patience. Patience is a virtue, everyone says it. Patience helps us to gather our thoughts and actions and to make the best decisions. Patience helps us to learn that good things often take a long time to achieve and to get to us. Patience teaches us that we must be mild tempered and kind and not say or do hurtful things.
Focus requires dedication. Hard work requires focus and focus requires dedication to a task that we wish to achieve.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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