Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kanhaji cares for me

Kanhaji takes such good care of me that sometimes I just stop and wonder how I have become so lucky. I compare my life with those of others around me, which may be inaccurate at times, but I always see that Kanhaji loves me more than others. He will always guide me and love me. Kanhaji takes care of me every day and in every way and I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Him. All my relationships - personal and professional, bear His stamp of approval. He teaches me how to pacify, how to work hard and when to relax. He loves me so much that sometimes I wonder what I have done to deserve His divine grace. I know that I am not worthy of His love and I try to do everything I can to take care of others and be good to others so that they too may benefit from His love and know Him.
Over the years I have learned to stand up for myself and to be more assertive. I have learned that Kanhaji will always support me, even when the times are difficult and I have difficult decisions to make. Kanhaji is my confidante and He tells me when its okay to confide in others and how much I should say to them. Kanhaji loves me and I love Him. I always will.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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