Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kanhaji please guide me

Sometimes I feel like I dont know if I'm approaching life in the correct way. Perhaps I am too naive in my way of thinking but I see people judging me and trying to tell me how to live my life and then they turn around and do the very thing they just told me not to do! I dont know how I really feel about that yet where friends are concerned. I do know that I have learned over the years that the only person I can truly trust is You. I see relatives and friends thinking that they are the right ones and that their behaviour is the best and the most upright and upstanding. But the truth is Kanha, its not. We are all unable to see our personal flaws people say. I can see my flaws, perhaps not as clearly as others can, but I do know that I am not perfect. I know that I am guilty of evading difficult or hurtful topics and I know that sometimes I am harsh in my responses and end up hurting people who are innocent and do not understand that the behaviour is a result of the environment not of them.
Kanha I understand that I need to calm down and not speak so harshly to people but I dont like feeling that I am dependent on others and even that is a flaw becuase everyone needs to be weak sometimes and we all need to have Your love with us.
Kanha, thank You for loving me in spite of all of this. Thank You for helping me to work through difficult situations and for helping me to learn when I need to buckle down and study hard. Thank You Kanha for steering me to the correct path and for keeping me there. Kanha, please help me to help others and please help me to be able to spread Your word and to show others how much You love us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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