Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kanhaji gives lessons on being a better person

Kanhaji always teaches us things along the way of life. He shows us how to be better people by sending us good and bad experiences. He wants us to look at the way that we react to things and the way that others react. He helps us to compare things and to learn to deal with people's moods and with our internal struggles and emotions. Kanhaji teaches us that people often disappoint us but that He will always be there for us and that He will always send us a sign that He is there. Kanhaji loves us and He will always love us. I love Him too and I hope that anyone else reading this will realize how much He has given to us and make a decision to start loving Him the way that He deserves to be loved. Kanhaji I know that even though I am saying all of this, that I myself am guilty of doing wrong things and that I sometimes am cruel to others. I know that sometimes I follow my own will and do not stop to consult You first. Kanhaji, I am sorry about doing that, about being like that and I know that apologizing isn't good enough and that we should do the right thing in the first place. Kanhaji, please help me to remember to do good and be good. I can be strong as long as You are with me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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