Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meditation teaches us to focus

Focus is an important word and an important thing. Kanhaji teaches us to focus on the good and to let go of the bad. He teaches us that sometimes giving up pleasure will bring us even more pleasure in the long run. If you are skeptical, consider a person who finds pleasure in smoking cigarettes. When that person gives up such a pleasure they may go into withdrawal and find it hard to focus and to be normal. However, eventually they will come out of the addiction if they work hard at it and ask Kanhaji for His help to rid them of it. In ten or twenty years they will be rewarded since they will not be sick.
Focus sometimes requires patience. Patience is a virtue, everyone says it. Patience helps us to gather our thoughts and actions and to make the best decisions. Patience helps us to learn that good things often take a long time to achieve and to get to us. Patience teaches us that we must be mild tempered and kind and not say or do hurtful things.
Focus requires dedication. Hard work requires focus and focus requires dedication to a task that we wish to achieve.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji sends love

Love comes in all forms and Kanhaji sends love to us. He restores our lost self esteem when we are feeling upset or down. He helps us to heal and the best and biggest healer of all is love. Love is what we feel when things go our way - that is Kanhaji working in our lives to show us how much He loves us. He takes such good care of us and He helps us to discover ways to achieve. Sometimes we discover these purely by chance and in a way that we never would have without His assistance and divine intervention. Many times people get scared of thinking that God is working in their lives. They may feel like it is a form of control and may lead to more pain. But the thing is, I have been so much at peace since I truly started to worship Kanhaji that sometimes I feel like there is nothing that can really hurt me because He is with me. I know that whatever happens is according to His will and that He can change bad judgements into good if we remember to pray to Him with all our hearts and souls and if we are willing to change and become committed to doing the right thing.
Kanhaji, please continue to shower Your love and blessings on all of us. Please keep us in a state of constant devotion to You and help us to remember that whatever we do, You can see and You can understand it. Sometimes it may be hard for us to distinguish right from wrong. But at those times, when we pray to You and ask for Your divine guidance, Kanha, please help us to do the right things. Please help us like you helped Arjuna on the battlefield at Kurukshetra.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kanhaji and control

Kanhaji gives us control.

Friday, April 22, 2011

kanhaji helps us to relax

Relaxation and recuperation are not evil.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kanhaji sends assistance

Kanhaji knows when we need His help and He sends assistance.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Kanha You always help me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kanhaji gives lessons on being a better person

Kanhaji always teaches us things along the way of life. He shows us how to be better people by sending us good and bad experiences. He wants us to look at the way that we react to things and the way that others react. He helps us to compare things and to learn to deal with people's moods and with our internal struggles and emotions. Kanhaji teaches us that people often disappoint us but that He will always be there for us and that He will always send us a sign that He is there. Kanhaji loves us and He will always love us. I love Him too and I hope that anyone else reading this will realize how much He has given to us and make a decision to start loving Him the way that He deserves to be loved. Kanhaji I know that even though I am saying all of this, that I myself am guilty of doing wrong things and that I sometimes am cruel to others. I know that sometimes I follow my own will and do not stop to consult You first. Kanhaji, I am sorry about doing that, about being like that and I know that apologizing isn't good enough and that we should do the right thing in the first place. Kanhaji, please help me to remember to do good and be good. I can be strong as long as You are with me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji please guide me

Sometimes I feel like I dont know if I'm approaching life in the correct way. Perhaps I am too naive in my way of thinking but I see people judging me and trying to tell me how to live my life and then they turn around and do the very thing they just told me not to do! I dont know how I really feel about that yet where friends are concerned. I do know that I have learned over the years that the only person I can truly trust is You. I see relatives and friends thinking that they are the right ones and that their behaviour is the best and the most upright and upstanding. But the truth is Kanha, its not. We are all unable to see our personal flaws people say. I can see my flaws, perhaps not as clearly as others can, but I do know that I am not perfect. I know that I am guilty of evading difficult or hurtful topics and I know that sometimes I am harsh in my responses and end up hurting people who are innocent and do not understand that the behaviour is a result of the environment not of them.
Kanha I understand that I need to calm down and not speak so harshly to people but I dont like feeling that I am dependent on others and even that is a flaw becuase everyone needs to be weak sometimes and we all need to have Your love with us.
Kanha, thank You for loving me in spite of all of this. Thank You for helping me to work through difficult situations and for helping me to learn when I need to buckle down and study hard. Thank You Kanha for steering me to the correct path and for keeping me there. Kanha, please help me to help others and please help me to be able to spread Your word and to show others how much You love us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

kanhaji gives me information

Kamhaji gives me all the information I need.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kanhaji is ...

He is the one I have to trust. Whenever I do things work out.

kanhaji allows our personalities to shine

We are all born with innate characteristics that help us to determine what is good or bad, right or wrong, kind or evil. Kanhaji helps us to enhance our personalities and He allowsus the chance to shine and do good things with ourselves.

Kanhaji gives me guidance

Sometimes in life we need an extra little push. We need some motivation to do the right thing. Kanhaji gives us the guidance we require and He showers His blessings on us in a manner that encourages us to do what is right and not what is wrong. This is true even when doing the wrong thing might be easier than doing the right thing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kanhaji helps me to see

There are so many things to be seen - both good and bad. Kanhaji exposes us to more good than bad as long as we are willing to listen to Him. He let's us see things that make us feel better. Jai Shri Krishna

Monday, April 11, 2011

kanhaji helps me to study

Kanhaji always helps me to do the right thing. He keeps me safe and protects me always. He guides me and He loves me. Studies are an important part of my life and when I feel discouraged or scared He helps me to be on the right track and to understand when things are not going well. Kanhaji keeps us all on the right track like this. Please let us all remember this and continue to trust in Him with all we have. Jai Shri Krishna

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kanhaji drives me

Motivation comes from within people say. But the truth is that motivation also comes from external occurrences. Kanhaji provides us with the motivation we need to become good people. He also motivates is to do good. He even motivates us in our studies and in our work. Kanhaji loves us. He will always love us and He will always intervene to protect us. Jai Shri Krishna

Saturday, April 9, 2011

my dear kanha

Kanha is always with me and He is my dear Kanha.


Dear Kanha You arebgetting better at it. Thanks for your support

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kanhaji shows me when to be kind to others

Kanhaji always shows us what to do at the right times in our lives. He teaches us to do and say the right things. Sometimes we may be cruel to our friends to prove a point to them. But there must always be some limit to the cruelty and hurting people's feelings without reason is not nice. Kanhaji illustrates that to us and tells when we need to behave better and be more accommodating. He teaches us when to be nice to people and to have fun. Thank You Kanhaji.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kanhaji helps me

Kanhaji helps me with everything and in every decision that I make, He is there with me, now and always. He protects me and others from harm and evil, even in the face of the utmost terrifying adversity I no longer feel afraid because I am sure that He is with me and will take care of me always. I know this with certainty and I cannot begin to tell you what a wonderful feeling that is, that Kanhaji is always with me. I wish that everyone reading this blog can experience this Kanhaji, please help them all to get to know You better and please please help me to understand Your will and learn to accept that You do what is right for us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kanhaji guides and showers blessings

My grandmother would always say that rain indicates that God is showering His blessings on us. Kanhaji showers His blessings on us whenever He wants to. We must remember that it is His will that is more important than our own. He will always take care of us and guide us through to the end. He will help us to have the correct thoughts, words, actions.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kanhaji motivates us

Motivation is something that is excellent, and also dangerous. From the point of view of people who are not motivated and are required to meet a deadline, motivation is dangerous, scary even, because it means that the person does not have the innate willpower to succeed. From the standpoint of someone who is highly motivated, it is an excellent thing because motivation pushes that person forward and urges them to succeed.
Kanhaji helps us when our motivation wanes. He shows us the right paths to follow and He guides us and helps us to do what is right.
Kanhaji, thank You for helping us, for helping me.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kanhaji cares for me

Kanhaji takes such good care of me that sometimes I just stop and wonder how I have become so lucky. I compare my life with those of others around me, which may be inaccurate at times, but I always see that Kanhaji loves me more than others. He will always guide me and love me. Kanhaji takes care of me every day and in every way and I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Him. All my relationships - personal and professional, bear His stamp of approval. He teaches me how to pacify, how to work hard and when to relax. He loves me so much that sometimes I wonder what I have done to deserve His divine grace. I know that I am not worthy of His love and I try to do everything I can to take care of others and be good to others so that they too may benefit from His love and know Him.
Over the years I have learned to stand up for myself and to be more assertive. I have learned that Kanhaji will always support me, even when the times are difficult and I have difficult decisions to make. Kanhaji is my confidante and He tells me when its okay to confide in others and how much I should say to them. Kanhaji loves me and I love Him. I always will.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Kanhaji teaches me

There are some things in life that are better learnt when we teach them to others. Kanhaji teaches us these lessons and helps us to learn these lessons better by applying our knowledge and helping others. Kanhaji is always with us - guiding us, protecting us, sheltering us from harm and hurt. He also shows us how to handle difficult situations. This is one thing I am certain of since He has helped me numerous times in the handling of difficult circumstances.
He teaches us that sometimes we need to be firm in our actions and in our words to ensure that we are protected from harm and evil and hurt and that we need to consider others' reactions and feelings as well but that the most important thing is to do the right things and to try to shelter ourselves from hurt and harm.
Kanahji, thank You for teaching us all of these lessons and please help us to be good people now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji guides us

Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. Being cruel to the people we care about feels wrong and like if we are the bad ones. However, people need to be corrected sometimes and the only people to do it might be us. We have to let our family members and friends know when they are doing something wrong or hurting us. We have to learn to stand up for ourselves and we have to remember that doing the right thing is more important than doing the popular thing or the kind thing.
Kanhaji always loves us and takes care of us. He keeps us safe and He also teaches us how to take care of ourselves in difficult situations - He helps us to show people that they need to consider our feelings, not only their own. He shows us that we need to assert ourselves. He sometimes helps us to avoid difficult conversations and to let our actions speak instead.
Kanhaji, thank You for helping us to do even these difficult things.
Jai Shri Krishna!