Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kanhaji helps me in so many ways

Kanhaji helps me always in many different ways. So many ways that I cannot even imagine. I know that because all the time I see these things happening to me - good things - things that help me and I know that it's because Kanhaji is working in my life. He is always there, to heal and mend, He's my God, He is my friend. That is my favourite line of my favourite bhajan. Tonight the Pundit came for the Ramayan/ nightly pujas. He spoke about what Kanhaji told Arjuna about the soul and about death in the Srimad Bhagvad Gita. The things the pundit said were comforting to me.
I am so grateful that You have come into my life Kanhaji. Now, everything has changed for the better. I don't feel so tempted to do wrong things. I do what is right naturally. I feel happier. I know that I can turn to You whenever I want to. Thank You for sending these good people into my life. Thank You for Your love and protection.
The picture I've included shows Mother Yashoda milking a cow and Kanhaji being affectionate with her. I really like the picture because it shows that Kanhaji is with each of us, always, even when we are doing work. He loves us so much that He is always with us.
Thank You for loving me and taking care of me always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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