Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kanhaji I trust You

Kanhaji, above everyone else I trust You. I know that people may think that I'm slightly suspicious but I feel like people can't always be trusted but I can always trust You.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We should thank Kanhaji every day

Kanhaji, I know that we as Your devotees are really and truly very selfish. I'm sorry Kanhaji, I'm sorry for all the times I just thought of myself and how great things are in my life without considering to thank You for everything You have done for me. Kanhaji, please take care of me always and please be with me always. Even this request of mine is a selfish one because I know that without You it would be very hard for me to survive. I talk to You all the time and I know that You listen because so many of my prayers are always answered by You. I know that I only have to trust You to make everything alright for me and any hardships that I suffer, I know that I am suffering much less than I should have because You are taking most of the pain away from me.
Kanhaji, I love You very very much and I want you to know that. I also want You to know that I thank You and I want to encourage all of Kanhaji's devotees who are reading this blog to thank Him today and every day for life's blessings that we may not always understand immediately but for which Kanhaji has a grand plan.
Kanhaji thank You for giving me life, for my great family, for helping me to reach where I am in life, for giving me opportunities, for giving me a home and other material possessions. Kanhaji, thank You for listening to me whenever I call out to You. Thank You for Your love.
The picture I've included is a very nice one of Kanhaji eating makhan. This picture makes me happy because it makes me feel like Kanhaji is accepting the offering of butter that we gave Him as an offering of thanks and appreciation to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kanhaji is my guide and protector...but He is also my friend

Yesterday one of my friends was lamenting about how hard it is to find someone that you can truly confide in. And I realize that I don't really confide in anyone at all - this is despite the fact that people confide in me often. I guess they know I'll never tell. But my confidante is none other than Kanhaji Himself. I know that might sound weird to anyone reading this but He is the easiest person to talk to, He always helps me with my problems and I know He'll never tell anyone else. Don't you think those are the qualities of an excellent confidante? I think so.
There's another side to this - people often believe that prayer is a task - something to be completed out of oblifation. But I never look at it like that. Praying to Kanhaji happens just naturally. I just talk to Him and everything seems much better. I think that is what true prayer is about - being able to just talk to Kanhaji as if He truly is a friend. And He is, He really is a true friend.
The picture I've included is one of a murti of Kanhaji eating Makhan. I know I've included several like these before and I always have a different interpretation but to be honest, when I see the pictures, every time something new strikes me. This time I think Kanhaji is eating the butter and saying to us, my lips are sealed... I will never divulge your secrets. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kanhaji helps me in so many ways

Kanhaji helps me always in many different ways. So many ways that I cannot even imagine. I know that because all the time I see these things happening to me - good things - things that help me and I know that it's because Kanhaji is working in my life. He is always there, to heal and mend, He's my God, He is my friend. That is my favourite line of my favourite bhajan. Tonight the Pundit came for the Ramayan/ nightly pujas. He spoke about what Kanhaji told Arjuna about the soul and about death in the Srimad Bhagvad Gita. The things the pundit said were comforting to me.
I am so grateful that You have come into my life Kanhaji. Now, everything has changed for the better. I don't feel so tempted to do wrong things. I do what is right naturally. I feel happier. I know that I can turn to You whenever I want to. Thank You for sending these good people into my life. Thank You for Your love and protection.
The picture I've included shows Mother Yashoda milking a cow and Kanhaji being affectionate with her. I really like the picture because it shows that Kanhaji is with each of us, always, even when we are doing work. He loves us so much that He is always with us.
Thank You for loving me and taking care of me always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kanhaji gives me strength

Dealing with a death in the family is very difficult. I keep feeling like I will see my grandfather when I go to that house. I keep thinking that my dad should go visit him, take food for him. I feel like it didn't really happen and that people were playing a joke on me. Now I only have one grandparent - my Nannee. My Daada is gone to join my Naana and Ajee. I know that Daadee and Daada will be together again and will look down on us happily but the whole thing about death is that we will never see them again. That is the hardest part. Ten years after Daadee has died I keep feeling like I will see her around at family functions. I keep thinking that she is there but we just can't see her. And I guess that's true but I wish that I could see her, that I could see him, that I could see them all.
Kanhaji has helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without Him. His face enters my memory whenever I close my eyes and I know that He is watching over my family and I. It hurts though. But knowing that You are with me Kanha, is the only thing that is really helping because everyone is enveloped in their own private grief. We are all trying to deal with it as best as we can. But I know that I can turn to You Kanha, whenever I want to. Thank You for Your love, Your protection and most of all, Your strength.
The picture I have included shows Kanhaji playing his Bansuri and this picture always serves to keep me calm and help me to realize that I should put all my trust in Him. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for taking care of me and keeping me safe always. Jai Shri Krishna!