Monday, March 1, 2010

Remembering His teaching - even in difficult situations

It's very easy to be holy and pious when we are around others who feel the same way we do - at home, among our close friends, at the mandir. But what about in situations where the people don't think the same way we do? Are we always holy and true to Kanhaji's teachings then?
I don't drink alcohol and whenever I go out with my friends someone inevitably asks me if I would like a drink (they mean an alcoholic drink). I say no all the time but sometimes it's really difficult to have your friends (and friends of friends) stare at you like you're an alien because you don't drink alcohol. I know it's really easy to succumb to temptation and that's why I wanted to write this post to remind everyone that Kanhaji is there with you even in difficult situations like that one and you can call on Him to help you to be able to say no to whatever form of temptation is bothering you. He will always help you and take care of you because He wants us all to do the right thing and if we only ask for His help to do the right thing, He will help us. I'm sure of it because many times He has helped me to be able to resist from doing something wrong.
I know I've used this picture before but I think it shows that Kanhaji is always watching us and He is with us even in the most difficult situations. He is giving us an encouraging glance and saying that it's okay, He will help us through the difficult times.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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