Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's okay to become dependent on Kanhaji

I know everyone loves to be self dependent- independent - it gives you a sense of power over situations. But, there is one case where you can depend on someone and not feel afraid of the person letting you down - you can depend on Kanhaji. He will always take care of you, in every situation, all day, all the time. He is always with you - guiding you, protecting you, loving you, taking care of you, even when you don't know it. Remember this and put your trust in Him. Love Him, depend on Him, tell others about Him. It's so easy and comforting to know that whenever you need some help - He is there, waiting for you to call on Him and ask Him to help you. And do you know what the most amazing thing is? Many times you don't even have to ask and He helps anyway. Isn't that great? I think it is, which is why I keep writing every day about His love, His power, His protection, His guidance, His very presence is something to be excited about all the time.
The picture I've included is a picture of Kanhaji with His older brother - Balarama and in the picture Balarama is leaning on Kanhaji. This is such a symbolic picture because Balarama is the older one, usually older siblings take care of the younger ones and younger siblings lean on the older ones. But here, Balarama is leaning on Kanhaji to show us that this is what we must do, we must lean on Him, bring our problems to Him, no matter how big or small, and He will help, He always does.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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