Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to manage my emotions

Sometimes people say things that hurt or upset me and I'm sure that it happens to everyone - someone will say something that hurts you or makes you angry and you may not always know how to deal with that emotion or how to make yourself feel better in spite of your hurt. Before I learned that I can always turn to Kanhaji I used to internalize everything and that's not healthy I know, but that's just my personality and so I would remain feeling upset and with an off mood for a while until I recovered from whatever it was that happened. However, now I take a few moments to talk to Kanhaji about how I am feeling and I ask Him to help me to feel better and to understand how to deal with my emotions - feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger, pain. I know you may say that I'm only focusing on the negative emotions but I did that on purpose - because the negative emotions are the ones that eat away at us inside when we don't get a chance to express them. So we must remember that even if we want to please everyone around us and be in good spirits and never say harsh words to anyone, then we can still turn to Kanhaji when our emotions overwhelm us. We can turn to Him and ask Him to help us and take care of us and keep us safe always. He will always provide us with a path to deal with our feelings and He will always help us to feel better. I know it for a fact - He always helps me and He will do the same for you if you only ask Him to.
I have included a picture of Kanhaji holding his bansuri and smiling at us all. I think it's a perfect picture for this post since it shows that Kanhaji is always ready and able to help us. He looks so very peaceful and happy and it just feels so easy to ask Him to take over all the sorrowful things to help us with whatever we need.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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