Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's okay to become dependent on Kanhaji

I know everyone loves to be self dependent- independent - it gives you a sense of power over situations. But, there is one case where you can depend on someone and not feel afraid of the person letting you down - you can depend on Kanhaji. He will always take care of you, in every situation, all day, all the time. He is always with you - guiding you, protecting you, loving you, taking care of you, even when you don't know it. Remember this and put your trust in Him. Love Him, depend on Him, tell others about Him. It's so easy and comforting to know that whenever you need some help - He is there, waiting for you to call on Him and ask Him to help you. And do you know what the most amazing thing is? Many times you don't even have to ask and He helps anyway. Isn't that great? I think it is, which is why I keep writing every day about His love, His power, His protection, His guidance, His very presence is something to be excited about all the time.
The picture I've included is a picture of Kanhaji with His older brother - Balarama and in the picture Balarama is leaning on Kanhaji. This is such a symbolic picture because Balarama is the older one, usually older siblings take care of the younger ones and younger siblings lean on the older ones. But here, Balarama is leaning on Kanhaji to show us that this is what we must do, we must lean on Him, bring our problems to Him, no matter how big or small, and He will help, He always does.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

kanhaji loves me

I love Kanhaji very much and He loves me too.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kanhaji provides everything we need

Sometimes I feel upset that I dont have things that other people have - material and immaterial things but then something happens to make me realize that perhaps not having whatever it is, is actually better for me. This is why we should have TRUST in Kanhaji all the time and trust that He will provide us with everything we need always. I have learned many lessons this week and trust is one of them, another is that Kanhaji is always there for us when we need Him, He is always there and we should realize that. I also learned that Kanhaji provides us with everything we need for our lives to be the way the He has planned for us. Who knows us better than Kanhaji? No one, He knows our every thought, even those we keep to ourselves; our every word, even those we don't say; our every deed, even those committed in secret. We have to learn to trust in Him and love Him with all our hearts, even when it is difficult to do so. Every day I say this - I love you Kanhaji and thank You for coming into my life and helping me and being with me always. Please continue to be with me and love me forever. I cannot continue without You.
I hope everyone reading this post can also say this prayer with confidence and faith in Kanhaji.
I have included as the picture for today a collage of Kanhaji's actions when He was here on earth - He did all these things to help His devotees and He continues to work in our lives in ways that we may never know. He does all of this because of His immense love for us - a love that should make us feel safe. It certainly makes me feel safe, does it do the same for you?
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Celebrating with Kanhaji

I was a little bit shocked to get feedback from some friends, acquaintances and others about their opinion of Kanhaji and God in general. Many of them say that they think that we should fear God all the time. I know that in part this is true but you should only fear Kanhaji if you are doing something wrong - like a child would fear a parent's reaction when they know they're doing something wrong - but the rest of the time they love that parent. However, I think our relationship with Kanhaji is still a little more complex than that of a parent and child. I think that Kanhaji can truly be the best friend we will ever have. I know that I feel that way about Him. Friends, and people, tend to change and they may not be able to offer you the same comfort you need over time. But Kanhaji always knows what we need and so He is the perfect candidate for a friend, a guide, someone to be with us all the time. I truly do feel like Kanhaji is my friend and I talk to Him all the time. I want other people to see Him like that and to understand that He loves us and we don't have to be afraid of Him but we do have to love Him.
My post is titled celebrating with Kanhaji because when we have celebrations we must remember that He has allowed us to get to this point of having something to celebrate. Whenever we celebrate something we should remember Kanhaji and ask Him to be a part of our celebrations. When we do this, I'm sure everything will run smoothly and there will be minimum hitches. Remember that Kanhaji is ALWAYS there at every moment of our lives and we must accept Him and invite Him in all things that we do.
I showed a picture of Kanhaji offering us a laddoo to symbolize that it is a celebration since people usually share sweets with each other on celebratory occasions. The fact that He is offering us a laddoo indicates that He is reminding us that He is a part of our celebrations too and we should offer all our sweets and gifts to Him first, to give everything His blessings.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to manage my emotions

Sometimes people say things that hurt or upset me and I'm sure that it happens to everyone - someone will say something that hurts you or makes you angry and you may not always know how to deal with that emotion or how to make yourself feel better in spite of your hurt. Before I learned that I can always turn to Kanhaji I used to internalize everything and that's not healthy I know, but that's just my personality and so I would remain feeling upset and with an off mood for a while until I recovered from whatever it was that happened. However, now I take a few moments to talk to Kanhaji about how I am feeling and I ask Him to help me to feel better and to understand how to deal with my emotions - feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger, pain. I know you may say that I'm only focusing on the negative emotions but I did that on purpose - because the negative emotions are the ones that eat away at us inside when we don't get a chance to express them. So we must remember that even if we want to please everyone around us and be in good spirits and never say harsh words to anyone, then we can still turn to Kanhaji when our emotions overwhelm us. We can turn to Him and ask Him to help us and take care of us and keep us safe always. He will always provide us with a path to deal with our feelings and He will always help us to feel better. I know it for a fact - He always helps me and He will do the same for you if you only ask Him to.
I have included a picture of Kanhaji holding his bansuri and smiling at us all. I think it's a perfect picture for this post since it shows that Kanhaji is always ready and able to help us. He looks so very peaceful and happy and it just feels so easy to ask Him to take over all the sorrowful things to help us with whatever we need.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kanhaji's love of Makhan

I know that there are many ways that this can be interpreted - Kanhaji's love of Makhan, and there are many ways I myself like to interpret it. Here is one of them - I think that when Kanhaji expressed His love of Makhan and is pictured many times eating it and 'stealing' it from His mother's butter pots and from the village women, He is trying to tell us that if we believe in Him always then He will provide us with food and things that we like to eat always. I think He is reminding us that if we are ever hungry then we only have to ask Him for help and He will give us what we need and more - that is what is symbolized by Him always having enough Makhan to share with His friends, his brother and even animals.
Remember that Kanhaji is God and God can cater to our every needs. He will always take care of us and keep us safe and that includes the provision of food.
I included three Kanhaji pictures with Makhan and there are many many more. Remember, it's all how you interpret the picture. I never agreed with the whole 'chor' idea because the whole world is His, so how can He steal?
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji mere saath nachogi

Another one of my favourite bhajans is 'Raat Suhani' sung by Shaan from the movie Dashavatar(animated). It's a bhajan about the gopis all wanting to dance with Kanhaji and He says that they should not fight but all dance wholeheartedly. So they do but midway He ends up dancing exclusively with Radha and they all get terribly jealous. So He decides to replicate Himself so that each gopi will get to dance with Him. I love that song and the video that goes with it because it really shows us the essence of how much Kanhaji does for us on a daily basis without us even knowing. He replicates Himself in so many different ways for all of us to be able to help us and to 'dance' with us in our daily lives - He is always with us and He stays with us willingly because He knows that we will be sad and upset if He leaves us.
The gopis were always upset and very jealous of whoever got to spend the most time with Kanhaji. We should be like them and want to spend the most time with Him. They all loved Him very much and He rewarded their affections by spending time with them all when He replicated Himself to be with each of them at the same time. We must remember that Kanhaji does the same for each of us every single day and so we should show Him love and respect always.
That bhajan shows us the true extent of Kanhaji's love for us all. Let us be able to live up to that love He has for us and love Him equally and make us of the fact that He is always with us - we should always talk to Him and consult Him in everything that we do. In doing so, our lives will be happier and we will become better people. Kanhaji, thank You for loving us and being with us all.
I've included two pictures today - one with Kanhaji dancing with the gopis all at once and another with Him just spending time with each of them. In these pictures He is showing us and reminding us that in the same way He is with the gopis all the time, simultaenously, He can be with each of us also.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Remembering His teaching - even in difficult situations

It's very easy to be holy and pious when we are around others who feel the same way we do - at home, among our close friends, at the mandir. But what about in situations where the people don't think the same way we do? Are we always holy and true to Kanhaji's teachings then?
I don't drink alcohol and whenever I go out with my friends someone inevitably asks me if I would like a drink (they mean an alcoholic drink). I say no all the time but sometimes it's really difficult to have your friends (and friends of friends) stare at you like you're an alien because you don't drink alcohol. I know it's really easy to succumb to temptation and that's why I wanted to write this post to remind everyone that Kanhaji is there with you even in difficult situations like that one and you can call on Him to help you to be able to say no to whatever form of temptation is bothering you. He will always help you and take care of you because He wants us all to do the right thing and if we only ask for His help to do the right thing, He will help us. I'm sure of it because many times He has helped me to be able to resist from doing something wrong.
I know I've used this picture before but I think it shows that Kanhaji is always watching us and He is with us even in the most difficult situations. He is giving us an encouraging glance and saying that it's okay, He will help us through the difficult times.
Jai Shri Krishna!