Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kanhaji's love of Makhan

I know that there are many ways that this can be interpreted - Kanhaji's love of Makhan, and there are many ways I myself like to interpret it. Here is one of them - I think that when Kanhaji expressed His love of Makhan and is pictured many times eating it and 'stealing' it from His mother's butter pots and from the village women, He is trying to tell us that if we believe in Him always then He will provide us with food and things that we like to eat always. I think He is reminding us that if we are ever hungry then we only have to ask Him for help and He will give us what we need and more - that is what is symbolized by Him always having enough Makhan to share with His friends, his brother and even animals.
Remember that Kanhaji is God and God can cater to our every needs. He will always take care of us and keep us safe and that includes the provision of food.
I included three Kanhaji pictures with Makhan and there are many many more. Remember, it's all how you interpret the picture. I never agreed with the whole 'chor' idea because the whole world is His, so how can He steal?
Jai Shri Krishna!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that interpretation is nice, and didi, I have another interpretation is this- Kanha will melt our hearts into butter and whisk it away, and we will be in his hands. We will be a part of his divine will, and he will always love us and will be together :)
