Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kanhaji provides everything we need

Sometimes I feel upset that I dont have things that other people have - material and immaterial things but then something happens to make me realize that perhaps not having whatever it is, is actually better for me. This is why we should have TRUST in Kanhaji all the time and trust that He will provide us with everything we need always. I have learned many lessons this week and trust is one of them, another is that Kanhaji is always there for us when we need Him, He is always there and we should realize that. I also learned that Kanhaji provides us with everything we need for our lives to be the way the He has planned for us. Who knows us better than Kanhaji? No one, He knows our every thought, even those we keep to ourselves; our every word, even those we don't say; our every deed, even those committed in secret. We have to learn to trust in Him and love Him with all our hearts, even when it is difficult to do so. Every day I say this - I love you Kanhaji and thank You for coming into my life and helping me and being with me always. Please continue to be with me and love me forever. I cannot continue without You.
I hope everyone reading this post can also say this prayer with confidence and faith in Kanhaji.
I have included as the picture for today a collage of Kanhaji's actions when He was here on earth - He did all these things to help His devotees and He continues to work in our lives in ways that we may never know. He does all of this because of His immense love for us - a love that should make us feel safe. It certainly makes me feel safe, does it do the same for you?
Jai Shri Krishna!

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