Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kanhaji mere saath nachogi

Another one of my favourite bhajans is 'Raat Suhani' sung by Shaan from the movie Dashavatar(animated). It's a bhajan about the gopis all wanting to dance with Kanhaji and He says that they should not fight but all dance wholeheartedly. So they do but midway He ends up dancing exclusively with Radha and they all get terribly jealous. So He decides to replicate Himself so that each gopi will get to dance with Him. I love that song and the video that goes with it because it really shows us the essence of how much Kanhaji does for us on a daily basis without us even knowing. He replicates Himself in so many different ways for all of us to be able to help us and to 'dance' with us in our daily lives - He is always with us and He stays with us willingly because He knows that we will be sad and upset if He leaves us.
The gopis were always upset and very jealous of whoever got to spend the most time with Kanhaji. We should be like them and want to spend the most time with Him. They all loved Him very much and He rewarded their affections by spending time with them all when He replicated Himself to be with each of them at the same time. We must remember that Kanhaji does the same for each of us every single day and so we should show Him love and respect always.
That bhajan shows us the true extent of Kanhaji's love for us all. Let us be able to live up to that love He has for us and love Him equally and make us of the fact that He is always with us - we should always talk to Him and consult Him in everything that we do. In doing so, our lives will be happier and we will become better people. Kanhaji, thank You for loving us and being with us all.
I've included two pictures today - one with Kanhaji dancing with the gopis all at once and another with Him just spending time with each of them. In these pictures He is showing us and reminding us that in the same way He is with the gopis all the time, simultaenously, He can be with each of us also.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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