Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kanha ensures that I am prepared

Sometimes in life we have major things to do - which we need to be prepared for. Kanhaji always makes sure that I am prepared to face the music. Thank You for that Kanhaji and please help us all to remember the importance of preparation. Someone once told me that they live by the motto "work extremely hard and then when it's all over, play extremely hard". It makes sense because overworking yourself is detrimental - it hurts you in both the short and long run. Kanha teaches us and gives us the energy to fuel our hard work and He gives us equal energy to fuel our well-deserved play.
Kanha has taught us in all His actions that work is as important as play - He frolicked in the fields after tending to the cows, He protected those who were hurt after He ate and enjoyed with His friends. Thank You Kanha, for teaching me by Your own example.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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