Friday, December 17, 2010

Kanha and gut instincts

Today I was supposed to go out to complete a particular task. However, I didn't feel like going at the last minute. So, I decided not to and to follow my gut instincts. But the thing is, people say 'gut instincts' without realizing that they're not gut instincts, they're signals that Kanha is sending to you to help you to decide what to do and when. Kanha takes care of us using those instincts because He tells us and warns us before when things may not go our way.
People who get strong instincts to do or not to do something should follow those instincts because they really come from Kanha, or God, whatever name you call Him by.
Thank You Kanha for giving me Your guidance in this way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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