Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trying again

Someone once told me that there are two kinds of people in life - those who keep trying and those who fail. Sometimes bad things happen to us, we fail at things we really wanted to achieve. We find ourselves feeling hurt and sad and upset about things that we should have been happy about. Sometimes we try and reach out to people and over and over again we find ourselves getting hurt and feeling upset. At certain times people decide to throw in the towel and stop doing good, stop trying, stop being good. They may turn to negative and bad influences. They may do things that they never thought they would have and they may hurt others in an attempt to make themselves feel better. However, religious scriptures emphasise that even if we do not feel that our good work is having rewards now and we keep getting hurt or abused or upset, we should continue to do good. Because, in the end it is not only what happens in the present life that matters but our good deeds add up over all of our lifetimes and bad things happening to us now may be the result of us doing something wrong in the past. Kanha knows it all and He records everything that we do. He insists on us being held accountable for all our deeds - good and bad and so if we persevere and continue to do good, He will bless us. Let us continue to do good even if we feel that our labours are not being rewarded immediately. Jai Shri Krishna!

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