Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kanha helps us

When we hear the term 'help' we usually think that there is some dire circumstance from which we must be rescued. However, Kanha helps us in many different ways and there are many little daily occurrences that He helps us with and we don't even realise it. Think about how easy it is to slam a door on a finger or fall down a flight of stairs, to bite your tongue while eating, to bump into objects, to cut your hand while in the kitchen, to burn yourself while cooking, to stub your toe as you walk, to slip and fall on the floor. All those little daily things Kanha helps us with. He takes care of us and keeps us safe. He makes sure that minimal harm comes to us and I know that you must be thinking of people who get into accidents. However, there is such a thing as destiny and fate and Kanha takes care of us as much as He can until we reach our time to go to Him. Kanha sometimes lets us make our own mistakes but He is always always there to take care of us if things don't work out. He comforts us and protects us, He heals us and strengthens us. Kanha is our God and our friend. Jai Shri Krishna!

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