Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kanha helps us to find the answers

There are many times in life when we are faced with difficult questions and choices. Kanha helps us to find the answers and He guides us to do the right thing. Sometimes He lets us learn hard lessons on our own. But even then, there is always a reason for Him doing what He does. He always keeps us safe and He always comforts us and takes care of us. We just have to believe that He will always be with us through both the good and the bad times in our lives. He sends us many challenges and we have to face them knowing that He is always by our side. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Kanha helps us to assert ourselves

Even those of us who detest confrontation find ourselves in the face of it sometimes. We are required to fight for ourselves and stand up for what we believe in or against some injustice that is occurring - either against ourself or against someone weaker than us. Kanha teaches us that we should not let anyone make us feel badly or walk all over us. He knows that we want to be the best we can be and He reminds us every single day, along the way that He will always help us to become better people and to thrive in situations that we never thought possible before. Kanha helps us to assert ourselves when we need Him and He keeps us safe always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kanha protects us

Kanha protects us from harm and He keeps us safe. We have to learn to trust in Him. Little upsets may occur in our lives and we have to trust that Kanha will keep us safe. He will always do what is right for us and to keep us safe. He sends persons to us who will help us and keep us safe. He knows that we cannot always keep ourselves happy or safe and so He knows that He has to guide us and take care of us. Protection comes in many forms - parents, grandparents, other relatives, friends, even subordinates take care of us sometimes. Even strangers protect us at times and we have to understand that underneath it all - it is really Kanha who is protecting us. We have to remember to thank Him and remember to talk to Him and love Him and show Him our love every day. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kanha gives us challenges

Life would be boring without challenges - we would not have anything to make us try to be better and do better, there would be no sense of accomplishment in the end. Kanha knows this and He brings challenges to our lives every single day. He makes us see that there are things that we can do to improve ourselves and our methods of doing things now. He guides us and comforts us. He helps us to do what is right but sometimes, He makes us discover the right thing on our own. He sends us persons with different personalities to deal with so that we will learn that everyone is different and that life cannot always be perfect for us with us getting along with everyone all the time. He sends us challenges in our families - difficulties to deal with so that our love and our bonds with our families grow stronger. He sends us challenges that we never would have imagined we would have been able to deal with, but we do and we emerge as stronger and happier people because of it. We must remember through all the difficulties that Kanha is always with us and He is guiding us and blessing us always. He will never ever abandon us and we should not feel like He has done so. Instead we should know and understand that He wants us to be happy and He wants us to be able to learn certain things so that we can be happy not only now, but also in the future. Kanha, thank You for sending us the challenges that You have sent and thank You for helping us to grow as persons and as devotees. Please continue to be a big part of our lives. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kanha gives us perspective

Many times in life we make choices based on emotions and not while thinking properly. However, Kanha is there to give us some perspective on our situations - people who love us give us advice and we know that this is through Him. He takes care of all of us and keeps us happy and healthy and safe. He helps us to slow down and think about our situation. He helps us to decide on what will be best for us not only now, but in the long run also. Kanha, thank You for guiding us all and please continue to guide us and give us perspective and voice of reason when we need it. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kanha, help us smooth things over with friends

Have you ever had a falling out with a close friend? Well I know it happens to the best of us sometimes. However, we still end up feeling guilty and sad about it after. Kanha helps us to rebuild our friendships because He had many friends and was able to maintain His friendships with them all. He understands our need for social acceptance, He understands our need to be cared for and loved, He understands our need for lighthearted moments after a hard day at work. Kanha knows that we need our friends and so He helps us to mend any broken or sore relationships. He helps us to find the right words to say and the right things to do. So, why don't we pray to Him and ask Him to help us? Let us ask Him if we need help. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kanha please bless us for the upcoming week

Dear Kanha, please send Your blessings on us for the upcoming week. Please protect us, be with us and continue to love us always. Kanha, I know that there will be many challenges ahead for us all. Please help us to face them and please help us to remember that You are always with us. Please help us to keep our faith strong in spite of challenges we face. Kanha, thank You for being a constant presence in our lives. Thank You for the lessons that You teach us every day and thank You for sending us Your help when we need it. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kanha gives us opportunities

Kanha gives us opportunities that we may never have achieved at any other time. He sends us His love and His peace through these opportunities that help us to see that things can change in the long run and we can live our lives in a way that even we never imagined. He sends us trials and tribulations, but even those are opportunities - opportunities to grow and to become better people. He sends us opportunities to learn every single day. He sends us His guidance and blessings to take care of us and keep us safe. Kanha, please continue to send us Your opportunities and please continue to send us Your love. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kanha teaches us

Everyday Kanha teaches us something. We may not even realise that we have learned it yet but He teaches us nonetheless. He guides us to do what is right and He helps us to learn these lessons for future use. Kanha understands everything that we do and He sees all. He knows that He must guide us to our destiny. Sometimes He gives us the things we ask for to show us that they weren't the right things for us anyway. Sometimes He doesn't give us what we ask for because He knows that we will be harmed in an irreparable way. But, we must always trust in Him. He will do what is right for us in the end and He will protect us always. We just have to pray to Him and continue to ask Him to be in our lives every day. We should also ask Him to help us to learn and understand the lessons He is teaching us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kanha deserves our trust

Trust is hard to build among persons. We are taught from quite young not to trust strangers and to always be wary of flowery words and smiling faces. However, I think that sometimes we forget that we don't have to worry about trusting Kanha, we should always trust Him because He is God. He is always in control and He always thinks of our best interests. He will never do anything that will hurt us in the long run. We may be hurt in the short run because He is teaching us for the future. As long as we surrender our lives to Him and ask Him to take over and do what is best, He will. Think, when has Kanha ever failed to be there for us? Never. So let us put our trust in Him once more and ask Him to enter our lives and be in control. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kanha thank You

Many times over and over again I find reasons to thank You Kanha. You keep sending blessings to me over and over again. I want to thank You on behalf of myself and everyone else. I know that we do not take the time to thank You enough. Thank You for all Your blessings on me. Thank You for all Your blessings on all of us. You keep us safe throughout the day, You protect us and help us to do the right thing. You keep us happy. You show us the right path. You always take care of things for us. You teach us life's lessons so that we will learn for the future. Thank You Kanha for everything! Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanha guides us

There are many times in life when we feel like we need guidance and love and support other than can come from our family and friends. Kanha is always there to provide additional guidance to us. He helps us to face difficult circumstances and to emerge triumphant. He takes care of us and shows us the right path to take in spite of if we don't feel like taking it. He supports us and helps us to do what is right and what will help us in the long run. But sometimes, short run pain is because He is trying to teach us a life lesson. He wants us to remember certain things always and the only way to do this is to impress the lessons on us in a hard way. But we should not resent Kanha for this, instead we should understand that even this is guidance because He is helping us along the pathway of life and guiding us to learn from our mistakes. Kanha is a great teacher and we should always listen to His guidance and love. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kanha gives confidence

Sometimes our confidence falters and we feel worried that we will never gain it back. Kanha helps us though, He sends confidence to us and instills it in us. He takes care of us and helps us to feel better about ourselves. He does this so easily that sometimes we don't even realise when the shift has occurred in our thinking, we just realise that we feel better about ourselves. Kanha loves us and as I have said many times before, He will always take care of our needs. He wants to see us happy always. We should not feel discouraged or lose our self esteem when we know that Kanha is with us because even failures have their purpose when He is around us. This is what we should always remember. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kanha takes care of us

If there was ever any doubt in your mind that Kanha takes care of us, please dispel it. Kanha takes care of us no matter what. He always protects His devotees from harm and hurt. He gives us boosts in our spirit, in our self esteem, in our health. He looks after us with happiness and love. He shields us from pain and He lets us learn our own lessons but is always there to take care of us if things do not go as planned. Kanha takes care of us in many different ways and we do not even realise it. But this is what makes Him so happy, that we trust Him enough to take care of everything. However, we should take the time to thank Him for being with us, protecting us, providing for us, loving us and keeping us safe. Kanha, thank You for doing all of these things for us and please continue to be with us always. Please help us to make the right decisions in life and to love You always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kanha helps us

When we hear the term 'help' we usually think that there is some dire circumstance from which we must be rescued. However, Kanha helps us in many different ways and there are many little daily occurrences that He helps us with and we don't even realise it. Think about how easy it is to slam a door on a finger or fall down a flight of stairs, to bite your tongue while eating, to bump into objects, to cut your hand while in the kitchen, to burn yourself while cooking, to stub your toe as you walk, to slip and fall on the floor. All those little daily things Kanha helps us with. He takes care of us and keeps us safe. He makes sure that minimal harm comes to us and I know that you must be thinking of people who get into accidents. However, there is such a thing as destiny and fate and Kanha takes care of us as much as He can until we reach our time to go to Him. Kanha sometimes lets us make our own mistakes but He is always always there to take care of us if things don't work out. He comforts us and protects us, He heals us and strengthens us. Kanha is our God and our friend. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kanha teaches us even when we think the lesson is over

Growing with Kanha means that we are spiritually growing with Him along every step of the way. Kanha loves us and takes care of us no matter what. He keeps us safe and He does so by teaching us life's lessons so that we can learn from errors in our behaviour and try to improve ourselves. Kanha continues to teach us lessons long after He became married left Nand and Yashoda. Kanha, please take care of us, in all situations and please watch over those I love. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kanha helps us to face our fears

Our personal fears may not be fearful to others but to us they seem like insurmountable circumstances. Kanha helps us to face our fears and He helps us to see that these things were not so difficult after all. He helps us to come to terms with what we can deal with and what we can't. He helps us to understand that even if we think that things are helpless, they aren't because He is with us. He will always help us and He will always take care of us. We can feel differences in ourselves when He is around because He makes us more confident. Kanha sends experiences to us that we didn't think that we would have because He thinks that we need certain things to help us to be better people. He teaches us to love everyone and to care about others who are less fortunate than ourselves. He sends good and bad things our way and He sends people in our lives who help us to overcome negatives and achieve positives. Kanha, thank You for being with us when we face our fears. Please help us to be able to help others to understand how powerful and important You are to us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kanha helps us to make difficult decisions

Every decision in life will not always be easy. There are some times when the easier route would be to do the wrong thing or to do nothing at all but the correct thing is difficult to do. Kanha helps us to make those difficult decisions and at the end of the day we feel freer and better for it. He takes care of all of our needs and He will always support us but I am sure that He feels infinitely better when we are able to stick to the right decision, difficult though it may be. Sometimes when we look at the world and the people around us we may wonder why the good people suffer so much. But the truth is that the good people sometimes suffer because Kanha expects more of them. When good people make bad decisions Kanha lets us have a chance to rectify our mistakes and He helps us through in the end. Kanha will always be with us and we should not question His actions or His presence in our lives. Kanha is the one we should trust at all times and even if we feel ashamed about something we did before, He will forgive us and help us to move on as long as we are prepared to correct our mistakes and to learn from them. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kanha lets us choose

Kanha gave us free will which means that we can choose what we do in life. We decide on certain things and we have to live with our decisions. We may sometimes think that it would have been much easier if He told us what to do all the time. But He does give us signals. He helps us to decide what to do. Ultimately the choice is ours though. This is why we must think about the consequences of our actions before we commit them. We should ask Kanha for His opinion in everything. This is why the old proverb that says - 'Pray only twice a day - from the moment you wake up till the moment you sleep' is a true one. We should always be talking to Kanha and always care about His opinion. We should make decisions knowing that even though we expect good things to come out of it, bad things may come out of it too. We just have to ask Kanha to help us to deal with everything that results from our actions along the way. Kanha will always be there to listen to us and to take care of us. He will always love us. And we should remember that no matter how ashamed or hurt or scared or worried or confused we feel, we can ALWAYS talk to Him. He always listens and He always helps. Kanha, thank You for listening and thank You for letting us choose. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Kanha, You cheer us up!

Kanha always cheers us up when we are down - He sends a smile, a laugh, a giggle, a chuckle our way to help us feel better about negative situations and about ourselves. He takes care of us in all ways - physically and emotionally. Kanha loves to be included in our lives and we should let Him in willingly. Kanha, thank You for cheering us up when we are down. Thank You for loving us and keeping us safe. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kanha, I trust You

Kanha, I trust You above all else and everyone else. Kanha, thank You for sending Your blessings on us. Thank You for taking care of us all and thank You for listening to us. Kanha, please help us all to remember that You know what is right for us in the end. You are the only one who knows what is right for us today, tomorrow and far into the future. You are the only one who understands everything about us. You are the only one we should listen to and obey. Kanha, please help us all to trust You even in the bad or hard times and to be able to persevere to the good times. Kanha, please take care of those we love and please help us to appreciate them and love them more. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kanha, You truly work in amazing ways

Kanha works in truly amazing ways and we are unable to fathom how He does everything. He loves us in a way that surpasses everyone else in our life and He gives us gifts in ways that we would not have been able to even understand that we needed. He sends great friends to us and He guides us along the pathway of life and encourages us to live and function properly. He sends us good attitudes and He helps us to think about our actions, words, thoughts and deeds. He helps us to correct our mistakes and He helps us to stop and think before we make any additional mistakes. Kanha, thank You for helping us and being with us always. Thank You for Your love and thank You for working in the amazing ways You have worked in our lives thus far. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kanha helps us

Kanha always helps us with situations that are difficult and even those that are easy. He is always with us all the time and every single day. Kanha loves us and we have to remember that otherwise we can turn to negative lifestyles very easily. Kanha is there to keep us strong, happy and healthy. He is there to give us thought-provoking ideas. He understands that love there have for each other. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It is impossible to please everyone, even some of the time

Being a people-pleaser is hard work and thankless work. People are never truly happy and even if some people are happy sometimes, all the people are never happy all the time. It is just the way of the world. Instead, we should try to please Kanha by our actions, thoughts and words. We should not do anything that will hurt Him or make Him unhappy. If things are not going our way, we sometimes become tempted to blame Kanha and ask Him why He allowed these bad things to happen to us. The truth is that He never does anything that will truly hurt us in the long run. He makes decisions for us that foresee the future and can decide if we should be doing something or not. He decides on things that will help us to be better off in the future, not just the present. He saves us future pain and He guides us about the present. Kanha loves us and we have to remember that even when things are not going well in our lives. We should stop trying to please persons around us and concentrate on pleasing Him. He is the one that we cannot fool. He knows everything that we do, even if we are able to successfully hide negative deeds from people. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Learning from mistakes - ours and other people's

Mistakes are a part of life. But even though that's true when we make one, even a little one, we feel a little upset with ourselves. We may try to blame others for the mistake and we may even blame Kanha. However, the truth is that we should accept responsibility for the mistakes we made. We should learn that Kanha guides us and sometimes we refuse to listen to Him in spite of Him warning us about certain things. We get upset and sad and angry and hurt all in one. But we should always look at the positive in every situation. The positive thing is that Kanha sent us a decision knowing that even if we made a mistake, we would learn something from it. He always has our best interests at heart. But, we sometimes don't see it. Every little hiccup and hurt and failure helps us to be better people as long as we understand that these things are not the mark of our lives. These little instances show us how to change ourselves and help us to grow as people. Sometimes Kanha teaches us a bitter lesson now to save us pain later. Just trust in Him and everything will be fine. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kanha knows what is best for us

Kanha truly knows what is best for us. He takes care of us more than anyone else and He always keeps us safe. We have to learn to trust in Him unconditionally and know that He always knows what is best for us. He will continue to keep us safe always and make our lives acceptable to Him. Only when we truly being to trust in Him wholly, then will offer us the protection we want and need. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kanha, please protect us

Kanha, today my blog post is directed as a prayer to You. Please protect us Your devotees. Sometimes we feel vulnerable or scared or hopeful and we need Your protection. We need You in our lives. And even if we don't ask for Your protection, we need it. Please take care of us and love us and we are sorry that we only ask for Your help or guidance when we think we cannot handle a situation. We should ask for Your help all the time. Trusting people is hard. Opening ourselves to people is hard. But You are there to provide guidance. Please protect us from pain. Sometimes pain is inevitable but if we have to go through such pain, please be at our sides always Kanha. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kanha, thank You for Your advice

Kanha always gives such good advice and You may wonder how I know that - because He always gives me advice. He gives advice to all of us but do we listen? We should make an effort to listen when Kanha speaks and the only way that we can do that is by prayer. When we pray Kanha listens and He responds. But we do not always see the response or understand it fully. We do not always take His advice because we don't understand that He gave it. Kanha, thank You for giving such excellent advice and please help us all to be able to listen to You more often. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kanha sends us good friends

I know that Kanha has blessed me and He has sent me good friends who love me and take care of me no matter what. I hope that you too have been equally blessed. Kanha sends us the best friends in the oddest ways and He takes care of us through these people. He values friendship immensely and we can see this through His interaction with the gopas and the gopis. We also see how much value He places on friendship with Arjuna. He wants us to be good friends as He was to Arjuna and if we are fortunate enough He sends us good friends like Himself to take care of and love us. Let us all thank Kanha for our friends today. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Let us thank Kanha for lifting our spirits

Thank You Kanha for cheering us up when we are down. Thank You for showing us love when we are sad and unhappy. Thank You for taking care of us and for keeping us safe. Kanha, thank You for lifting our spirits. Sometimes we need the intervention that only You can provide. We need Your guiding hand to take care of us and keep us in a good mood or to lift our mood from sorrow to happiness. We need You to show us that You truly are the healer in all aspects - physically and emotionally. Kanha, thank You for taking care of us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trust that Kanha knows what is right for us

Kanha knows what is right for us in the end and we have to trust in that. He will always take care of us and do what is right for us. Even if we cannot see it now, He will show us in the future that His decision was the right one for us. But trusting in Him takes courage - it means that we have to accept negative outcomes as well as positive ones. Sometimes it is hard to accept failure and negative outcomes in our lives and we feel saddened and hurt that after we asked Kanha for something, He didn't give it to us. Its okay. He loves us and will always love us and we can pray to Him for the strength to trust in Him no matter what. Kanha, thank You for taking care of all of us and please help us to be better people and to learn to trust You now and always. Jai Shri Krishna!