Monday, February 28, 2011

Kanhaji thank You for taking care of me

There are many ways that people need to be cared for. They need physical care, yes, but even more important than that is emotional care. Think of when someone is ill, we always try our hardest to make that person feel more comfortable. We do extra things for them, hug them, comfort them if they are sad. Emotional health is probably the most important thing for a person and usually, we dont even realize that. We sometimes think that emotional health is secondary to physical health but I remember a few years ago there was a new type of treatment that some doctors tried for cancer patients. They told their patients to imagine the cancer sells being attacked by their body's own immune system, and destroyed, and to continue imagining that. Some of the patients actually showed a marked improvement. This is the importance of positive thinking and emotional health.
Kanhaji is always with us to help us emotionally. The biggest and best emotional support that I get is due to Him. His love is all around me and takes care of me in a way that no one else can. Kanhaji loves us and takes care of us all because He understands that happiness is an important part of our daily function. Kanhaji loves us and we should always remember this. When things arent going the way that we want them to, its because Kanhaji is trying to teach us a lesson for the future or He is trying to show us, that when things do go better, that He had a plan all along and that we must learn to trust in Him always. We should always try to fulfill what He wants us to do.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kanhaji gives me patience

Patience is a virtue indeed and its one that Kanhaji gives us when we need it. He knows when we need to wait and when we need to act and He tells us so. Thank You for that Kanha.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kanhaji's blessings

Kanhaji blesses us many times in many ways. He always loves us and takes care of us.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kanhaji's assistance

Do you ever agonize over a decision, think you made the right one after asking Kanhaji's help and then at the last minute revoke it to do something else? That happens to me all the time and you know what that is? That is Kanhaji's true power working in us. He helps us to make the right decisions always and He is always thinking of what is best for us. He never falters and always guides and assists us. He is all-knowing and all-seeing, even the future. So He is the one to consults whenever you have to make an important decision in life. But we know this. The thing is, do we remember to consult Him for every decision that we have to make? That is the importance of Kanhaji, He wants us to ask Him when we have to make any decisions and He will always guide us to make the right one.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kanhaji sends care

Care, its something that we all experience from the people we love. However, in rare circumstances, we experience care from people we dont know. People show us kindness and an interest in our welfare beyond what they are required to show and situations like that really touch me because Kanhaji uses these opportunities to show us how much He loves us. I experienced many instances of care and love today, such love that shows how many good people are out in the world today. Kanhaji, thank You for Your care and love and please help me to show such care and love and kindness to others as well.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kanhaji helps

The acquisition of material things sometimes helps us to feel better, more powerful than others who do not have those things that we have, and therefore assume that they covet. However, the truth is the more we acquire, the more we want to acquire so greed breeds more greed and selfishness and pride. We become proud that we have things that others dont - a large bank account, a car, the latest high tech gadgets. Some people need these things to feel good about themselves but Kanhaji warns against this. He reminds us that we need to be good people above all else. We should display control and we should be happy with being good and doing good. He tries to teach us and show us that the acquisition of material wealth does not equate happiness. So most of us know that is true.
Okay, what about the people who feel that they cannot find love. They have been choosing the wrong people or they have been closing themselves off. Kanhaji guides and helps those people too. He shows them their innate good qualities. He shows them that they cannot compromise their integrity to find love. Most of all, He shows them that they are not alone. We will never be alone with Kanhaji by our side and He hears our prayers. When the time is right, He will send the right person to us. We must believe in Him.
Kanhaji helps us even when we have minor troubles - we are worried about a presentation, an exam, a project, a report, a result for an examination. Kanhaji knows it all and He helps us in every situation in every possible way. He tries to make us feel better always and for me, He always succeeds. I know that the same happens to You as well. All we have to do is meditate on Him and everything will be fine.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Kanhaji knows the big picture

In economic theory there is a concept called bounded rationality, versus its counterpart - global rationality. Bounded rationality means that people act rationally within the limits of what they know. That's what we do on a daily basis - we operate with bounded rationality and have regrets based only on what we have experienced thus far, not on what is to come in the future, because we cannot see the future. Kanhaji knows everything. He operates with global rationality. He is all-seeing and all-knowing and so we should not be upset with Him when things dont turn out the way we would like. We should know that better ideas and goals and persons are waiting for us. Kanhaji will always love us and take care of us in the way that a parent looks after a child because Kanhaji is our parent. He takes care of our every need and He will only put us through things that will make us stronger and better people in the end. He teaches us life's lessons in a loving way. He loves us.
We should not question when bad things happen to us, but we do. We all do. We should not get angry at Him that our devotion is seemingly unrewarded. He gives us the rewards that exceed any other that we considered before. Kanhaji is the true protector and guide of us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kanhaji brings understanding

It may be difficult to grasp certain concepts sometimes. Kanhaji knows this. He is all-seeing and all-knowing but He knows that we are not perfect like Him and we struggle with things and understanding why things didnt go our way or why things are done in a certain way.
Kanhaji loves us and He takes care of us in every situation. This is true even for those who are in academic distress and struggle to understand an academic concept. Kanhaji helps us and shows us the right path. He helps us to show others the right path and He loves us more than anyone else ever will. All this tender loving care from Him allows us to learn and thrive and grow and eventually, to understand things that we struggled with.
Kanhaji will always help us and we must believe in Him above all others.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kanhaji, imagination is a wonderful thing

Imagination helps us all to find happiness when we are sad sometimes. It helps us to sympathize with others who are in a bad situation because we imagine how we would react in their places. Imagination helps us to create fantasies that please us. However, as amazing and wonderful as imagination is, it can also be a terrible thing. It can hurt us when we use our imagination to create things that are untrue but are meant to hurt others. It can be used for bad as well as good. Imagination, like everything else, has to be controlled and used properly for us to benefit from the advantages of having our imagination. Kanhaji helps us to read his Bhagvad Gita and to imagine how it would feel to be on the battlefields at Kurukshetra, to read the Krishna Leela and wonder how it would feel to be Yashoda maa, Devaki maa or Radharani.
Kanhaji will guide us to use our imaginations properly if we ask Him to.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kanhaji is always there

He is always with us, every single day, every single moment and we can turn to Him whenever we want to. Kanhaji loves us more than anyone else will ever love us because His love for us is completely unconditional which is difficult for human beings to achieve. People always expect things of the people they love but Kanhaji only expects us to love Him and to cherish Him and even that is not expected, He likes it when we do that. He loves us and we should remember that at all times.
Kanhaji thank You for taking care of us and being with us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kanhaji heals our souls

Souls are harder to heal than bodies. Our minds and our very souls sometimes hurt when something bad happens to us. But Kanhaji always knows how to heal us internally as well as externally. Today the most difficult kind of illness to diagnose and to treat is that of mental ailments. Kanhaji understands when something is hurting our minds and is affecting us in ways that we ourselves cannot explain. He knows how to take care of us and how to heal us. We need to chant his bhajans, read the Bhagvad Gita, watch religious movies. Kanhaji is always with us, but sometimes to heal ourselves internally we need to call on Him in an extra special way.
I have seen how terrible mental illness can be. It is a very scary thing to see a loved one affected in that way. Kanhaji, today my prayer to You is to please help those who suffer from mental turmoil. Please help them to know that You are ALWAYS there with them, with us. Please help us all to believe in You and to love You. Please stay with us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to understand

Understanding is difficult. It is hard to understand everything that is happening around us - pain, sorrow, hurt, guilt, happiness, a problem in school, a problem in life. Kanhaji helps us to understand, and if understanding is not possible, He helps us to accept what we cannot change as something that He has done for our good. Kanhaji always helps us and takes care of us. He never forsakes us and His love is always true. Kanhaji thank You for Your love and Your protection.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kanhaji gives guidance

We all need guidance. Children are not the only ones who need to sometimes be reminded of the right paths or things to do. Kanhaji understands that sometimes temptations are hard to fight and He intervenes and gives us His guidance to ensure that we do the right thing at all times. Kanhaji loves us and will always take care of us as His children even though we may be adults with children of our own.
Guidance can come in many forms - persons we come across giving us advice we never asked for, but desperately need; books and articles accidentally arriving in our lines of interest. Kanhaji gives us guidance to remind us that He is always there for us, listening and loving.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kanhaji's take on love

Love is all powerful and all consuming feeling. It is the strongest feeling that humans ever feel. The emotion makes everyone do things that they probably never would have thought of in their lives before. Kanhaji loves us all. But today on Valentine's day we must of course mention love between couples. Men and women all over the world are celebrating valentine's day, us included. What makes this day so special to some and so bitter for others? The point is to celebrate the love that couples feel for each other - and those among us who do not have a significant other tend to feel depressed on this day. However, I would like to think that all kinds of love should be celebrated on this day, and everyday really, the love between children and parents, siblings, relatives, friends, the world. Everyone should try to show others how much they care about them.
Kanhaji loved us all and He allowed us to show our love for Him in many different ways. He accepts our offerings of love and He accepts us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kanhaji's forgiveness

Forgiveness is something that we may want but being forgiving to others is hard. When we do something wrong or something that hurts those we love, we beg for forgiveness. We ask Kanhaji to forgive us for not keeping our promises to Him and we ask our loved ones to forgive us for not keeping our promises to them. When we we are the seekers of forgiveness, we want the person to forgive us easily and are sometimes vexed when they do not. But, on the contrary, when we are in the position to give forgiveness, it is sometimes very hard to do so. We harbour resentment and negativity towards those who may seek our forgiveness. We may say harsh words to them and not speak to them in order to hurt them like they hurt us. This is something that we all do and I have consciously tried to limit doing this. But I never fully succeed since I may say something less hurtful to the person that I originally intended, but still, something very hurtful.
Its hard to be forgiving and its hard to ask for forgiveness but we should remember that we can always ask Kanhaji for His forgiveness and His love.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji is everywhere

Kanhaji is everywhere and all around us. He loves us and He will always love us. I know that I keep saying this but its just so true and sometimes the immense power of His love just hits me in a way that makes me want to say it over and over again. When I wrote my last entry I focused on the love that we have for Him and the different ways it can be interpreted. When I was a little child I first heard stories about Radha and Krishna at school, but they were never really fully explained. I always got the impression that the teachers were glossing over things a little bit. However, I realized that this was because some people frowned on the idea of Krishna and Radha being seen as the ultimate couple when He was in fact married to Rukmini. I remember a student asking the teacher about that once and the teacher was unable to respond. I myself kept that question in my heart but the slightly negative reaction of the teacher (mildly angry) made us not ask anything more.
Only when I got older did I really understand that they meant that Radha loved him unconditionally and that was why she was seen as His true soulmate. Unconditional love is hard to come by. It is described as being selfless and forgiving, always pleasant and always giving. People often say that only parents love unconditionally, that a spouse cannot. I dont know if that is really true but I do know that we all have expectations from the people we love on a normal basis. Of course, we are not Radharani!
But, I digress, the reason that I used this story as the basis for my post is to show that Kanhaji's love is unconditional but our human conscience makes us guilty before Him when we do something wrong and we feel unworthy of that love. I know that I feel so grateful that He loves me because I know that I am not perfect and many times I falter from His teachings and I am unable to control anger, jealousy, pride. When we love someone we do everything we can to please them, we should grant Kanhaji the same courtesy and try to please Him every day by living our lives the right way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kanhaji sends love

Love is all around us - I know that I am a few days early for this topic since Valentine's day is not until three days. However, this is what I feel today so I have to comment on it. Love is all around us and sometimes the sourest of people react to us in positive and loving ways. Kanhaji always shows us love when we need it, because He knows, and has made things such that love is the one thing that every single person needs vast quantities of. He is always with us, loving us and that we must not forget.
Thank You Kanhaji for Your love. I once heard a non-hindu speak about how much she agreed with hinduism because of its teachings - in particular she cited two aspects of love shown in the Kanha lila - the mother's love and how much Yashoda maa loved Kanha despite Him not being her biological son. And the love of Kanhaji and the gopis and how He always protected them and allowed them to love Him because that was their way of worship. Another person came to my mind, who she probably didnt hear of, or make the connection to - Mirabai. Her bhajans were said to be about her love of Kanhaji and people could not accept them because they felt that they were blasphemous in nature. But, Kanhaji and many explanations of the Kanhalila have always stressed that the way we interpret love is different than the way that Kanhaji interprets it and He allows us to love Him in the ways that are suited to us because He is willing to accept our love in a way that is suitable to us to give it. How remarkable is that? Mirabai's love for Him was not wrong (I have to admit that I have not read many of her bhajans but the gist of what she is feeling is there). Neither is the love of someone who feels like Kanhaji is their son, their brother, their friend, all of these He understands.
Kanhaji, thank You for sending us all this love and please help us to continue to love You and to love others.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to overcome negativity

Negativity comes in many forms - inflicted externally and inflicted internally. The kind I want to discuss today is the kind of negativity that people may show us sometimes which makes us become negative as well. However, the purpose of this entry is to tell you that the only way to overcome this is to shower love and kindness on negative people who you care about. Sometimes people use their negativity as a defense mechanism against the hurt that they themselves feel inside. Kanhaji knows this and He tries to tell us that we should not be affected by the negative, instead, we should try to inculcate what is positive. We should try to take care of the people around us who are negative and instead of converting to their negative behavior, make them convert to our positive feelings.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kanhaji gives us the liberty to choose

One of the most impressive things about human beings is their free will. Everyone, even small babies, have the ability to choose something that they like and express like or dislike. This fact may be hard for parents to accept sometimes since they like their children to do their bidding. But the reality is, even a small child will express dislike for a dish his/her mother has spent hours slaving over if he/she genuinely dislikes it. This is true because of two things - the child's free will to like or dislike certain foods even if their parents like them much and the child's honesty.
Free will is an amazing thing - it makes us realize how much choice Kanhaji gave us when He sent us to earth. He allows us to even choose whether we want to worship Him or not. However, worshiping Him is something that I always want to do. I hope that others feel the same way.
Let us all make a conscious decision to use the gift of free will to do only good and to always ask Kanhaji's advice before making big or difficult decisions. He will guide us if we ask Him to because He wants us to ask Him, which is why He gave us the ability to do so.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kanhaji's direction

Life is scary. Doing the right thing is even scarier. Kanha always shows us the right things to do and helps us to do them.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kanhaji helps us find the good thoughts

Good and bad thoughts exist in every person's mind. Sometimes its hard to find positive thoughts and doing wrong is easy. However, if we pray to Kanhaji, He will help us to find the good and to be able to get over the bad. He will take care of us in a way that will allow us to do the right thing. He will show us the right path. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love and Your protection. Thank You for showing me the right way. Please help me to do what is good always. Please help us all to follow Your path. Thank You for infusing us with positive and happy thoughts. Thank You for coming as a baby and cheering us all up with Your happiness and playfulness.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kanhaji allows us to make choices

Free will is a concept that many have questioned. The fact that we can make our own decisions at will, the fact that we can decide to not do something even if someone we love tells us about it. Kanhaji allowed us to have free will to do what is right and to be able to make the choice to be a good person. Kanhaji loves us and will always do these things for us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kanhaji, give me patience with annoying relatives

Dear Kanhaji, today I had to deal with some difficult people - my relatives. They tend to think that they know me and can therefore make whatever comments they wish. It hurts when they say things that upset me. It annoys me when they treat me like I am outsider when I am a blood relative of the people we are performing the ritual for! I just dont want to have to deal with all of this. Please Kanha, please help me to deal with them and please help me to conduct myself in a manner that would make You proud. I hate feeling like I dislike people or replaying the mean things that people said to me in my head over and over. Please help me to forgive and forget.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to channel our anger

Certain people and certain events may make us angry. Kanhaji teaches us not to hold on to that anger, and how to channel it into something more useful. Kanhaji loves us very much and He wants us to be happy all the time. If we continue to be angry then we cannot be happy and Kanhaji shows us this. Thank You for showing me this Kanhaji because sometimes its too much to have to deal with all these things. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kanhaji sends friends

When we need them the most, Kanhaji sends them to us. Kanhaji knows that sometimes we need external support from the people who love us. He also knows that sometimes external support means external to the family unit as well. We like knowing that other people in other families also feel the way we do, also experience the things we do and therefore can sympathize with us when we mention a nosy younger sibling, an overprotective mother or father, an annoying younger brother. Kanhaji understands all of this and He sends these people to us when we most need them. He loves us immensely and will always take care of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kanhaji helps us with our anger

Anger is a negative emotion that we all feel sometimes. Kanhaji helps us to control it.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kanhaji makes us think

Sometimes we do things without thinking and then we may regret the decision to do or say something. Kanhaji helps us to remember those times and He encourages us to think. Thinking is important before we do any major activity or make any major decisions. We know that. Thinking is also important when we do everyday things or we may end up with dire consequences. Simple tasks like cutting vegetables, lighting the stove, driving, studying, all these must be done with thought.
Remember that Kanhaji wants us to use the intellect that He has given to us to help ourselves and to help others.
Jai Shri Krishna!