Friday, June 15, 2012

Being true to yourself

Yesterday I was talking to a friend and we were discussing how important it is to be true to yourself. She was relating an incident where she tried to change her behaviour to please someone else and that she was unable to keep the change for good because she didn't want to and she wanted to be true to herself. I told her that pretending to be something you are not will never last because your true nature will always emerge in the end. People must want to change and be comfortable with such changes in their lives if they really have to change their attitudes, behaviours, ways of thinking in general. Kanha helps us to be true to ourselves and if we pray to Him with open hearts He will show us how to be true to ourselves and always be happy. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Doing the right thing

This post is linked to the previous one on turning over a new leaf. Sometimes doing the right thing is not always the easy decision. In fact many times doing the right thing is a lot harder than doing the wrong thing. Doing the right thing requires effort on our part to conquer our own fears and those of the people around us. Sometimes doing the right thing means sacrificing something that we would have liked to have or felt that we deserved. But, in the end Kanha will reward us many times more for doing what was right and He will help us to recover from the disappointment and perhaps hurt that we experience when we deny ourselves something to do the right thing. For example, if we are suffering from high cholesterol or heart disease or kidney disease or many other illnesses we will not be allowed to consume certain foods that make us happy. But, by doing the right thing we are taking care of ourselves for the long run. Kanha will reward us with good health and minimum pain. He will help us to heal and He will keep us safe. Let us try to do the right thing in little ways in our lives, even today. Jai Shri Krishna!

Turning over a new leaf

I'm sure you've heard this phrase before. What does it mean to you exactly? Turning over a new leaf means living life in a different way, changing your attitude - for the better. Many times in life we seem set in our ways and we know that there exists a better way of doing things, a better way of living and a better way of interacting with others. However, we think to ourselves that we don't always have to do good and be good because others are not doing it. We do not always have to do what others want us to because we are independent, we are our own people and we will do as we please. But that is not entirely true. We have to remember that whatever we do in life, good and bad, Kanha is ALWAYS seeing us and ALWAYS watching us. He knows if we do something wrong and no one else sees it. He knows if we do something good and no one else sees it. He knows our thoughts, our innermost fears and secrets. And He loves us because of it all. He will always love us and we have to remember that and trust in Him always. Let us all try to change our attitudes for the better in the future. Let us make Him proud and be closer to the good people He wants us to be. Jai Shri Krishna!